How is honey related to many of the foods we eat?
In ancient cultures, bees were considered sacred. People believed that they connected the natural world with the afterlife, making connections with the dead and carrying secret knowledge.
For one pound of honey, bees visit two million flowers!
A bee flaps its wings about 230 times per hour, and it can fly up to 20 mph.
Honey has been used as medicine for thousands of years – for healing wounds and fighting infections.
As long as honey is not mixed with water, it will never go bad.
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Honeybees are the main species that help food-producing plants to pollinate, or reproduce. When bees collect honey for the winter months, they fly from flower to flower and bring pollen that sticks to their feet from one plant to the next.
A bee is the single most important animal to provide food on Earth, and it helps ensure biodiversity in the world. Since biodiversity is essential to sustaining life on our planet, bees are essential to secure our survival!
However, honeybee colonies have sharply decreased all over the world in the past 60 years. With more pesticides being used in agriculture, honey bees are in severe danger.