The secret use of lemons.
In the Age of Exploration between 1500 and 1800, seafarers went on months-long trips to discover new continents. Half of them never came back. Many of those who returned had lost all their teeth during the trip.
They suffered or died from a disease called scurvy. It was only by the early 1900s that scientists figured out that scurvy was caused by a lack of Vitamin C and that drinking lemon juice was a way to cure it.
The main benefit of lemons in your diet is the high level of Vitamin C.
The biggest lemon ever recorded was 11 pounds and had a circumference of 29 inches and a height of 13.7 inches.
Christopher Columbus brought lemons to the Americas in the late 15th century.
Lemons are related to the Citrus family and originated in the southern and eastern parts of Asia and Australia.
Big picture
To function, your body needs nutrients. Two of the main nutrients are vitamins and minerals. While vitamins help you stay healthy and get energy from food, minerals build bones and muscles and help your heart and brain work properly.
The body produces Vitamin D and K. All other vitamins and minerals, you get through your food by eating a healthy and balanced diet.