What is Communism?
Communism is an "ideology", which means a system of ideas for how the political and economic system in a country should look like. A political system is how a government is set up and how it runs. An economic system is how business works and how money and wealth are spread out in a particular place, such as a country.
What defines communism, is that there is no private property. That means all resources are equally available to everyone and nobody owns anything, especially no single person or small group of people could own a company. The government controls all industry and resources (mines, mills, and factories) and provides every citizen with what they need. The goal is to not have different social classes, so there would be no rich and no poor. All people would be equal.
Historically, Communism has been the form of government in China, North Korea, Vietnam, as well as the USSR (Union of Socialist Soviet Republics or Soviet Union) and the countries it controlled e.g. Poland, Hungary, Yugoslavia, Czech Republic or East Germany. The USSR is now split up into Russia and many of its neighboring countries after Communism failed there. One reason for communism's failure was that despite the aim of having everyone being equal, there was still one small group in power, running the government. If a person disagreed with the government, there was not much that could be done. People were trapped under the government's control.
Also, the ideal in Communism is that everyone works as hard as everyone else and gets paid the same amount, but in reality, some people just don't work as hard as others. How would you feel if someone did less work than you but got the same reward?
In order to be effective, Communism requires a delicate balance and equal participation among all people. It might sound easy enough, but it can actually be very difficult. That's why it has failed in many countries that have tried it.
Up for discussion
What's Your Government?
How does your government compare to Communism? With a grown-up, think about the things that make your government the way it is.
Are there different social classes? Does the government control business? Do people choose the government? How do people voice their opinions and make changes?
What other countries share your type of government? What different types of government are in the world?
Here are some different countries. What types of governments do they have?
United Kingdom
United States
Socialism and Communism
The words socialism and communism are often used to describe the same ideas. However, they are not the same. Socialism is based on the concept that people can own property but all factories and natural resources are shared by everyone and managed by an elected government.
The Communist Manifesto
The communist ideology was born in ideas that two German philosophers wrote about called "Marxism". Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were very critical of the economy at the time of the mid 19th century. They saw how private property lead to class conflict when those who owned property got rich and the people who worked for them but didn't own any of the resources would be very poor. The wrote in The Communist Manifesto that all means of production should be owned by everyone.