What is an infection?
Do you remember the last time you had a fever and had to take medicine to feel better? Chances are you had an infection!
An infection happens when germs enter the body and the body reacts. Sometimes infections cause harm, such as when the bacteria responsible for strep throat make a person feel sick. At other times, an infection may actually be helpful, such as when you get a vaccine and mildly react to a small amount of a germ so it won't make you sick in the future.
There are different types of germs that cause infection. For example, tiny life forms (organisms) called bacteria cause sicknesses such as pneumonia and ear infections, while organisms called viruses result in infections like chicken pox and the flu.
So how does the body fight infection? It's a good thing you have an immune system to keep those germs in check! Your immune system includes white blood cells that make antibodies to fight the germs so you can get on with the business of being healthy!
by Mya Kagan (Whyzz writer)
Further Information
What if your immune system needs a little help in restoring your health? Medicines such as antibiotics give your body that extra line of defense against the invaders we call germs!What are some ways to keep help keep your body healthy and strong? Eating nutritious foods, getting plenty of sleep, making time for exercise, and going for regular check-ups at the doctor's office are excellent ways to keep your body in tip-top shape!